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Application Process

Q. When can I apply?
A. The on-line application must be completed by the application deadline published for that particular cohort recruitment period. Application fees, official transcripts, and professional recommendations must be received in the ECP office as soon as possible after applying to the program.

Q. How do I  apply for the Region 5 Principal Leadership Certification Program?
A. The Region 5 ECP uses an on-line application process. You must have an e-mail address, and credit card or a bank routing number to submit an application. The application process can be initiated from the Apply Now! link. If you get the message “Open database Region 5 ECP with”, use the guest account and login. You will then create a new account-located at the bottom of the screen.

Q. What if I attended more than one college, but all courses, hours, and grades appear on the transcript of the college where I earned my degree?
A. We require receipt of all official transcripts from each college or university you attended. Faxed transcripts are not acceptable. Submit official transcripts to:
Region 5 ESC Principal Leadership Certification Program, 350 Pine Street, Suite 500 Beaumont, TX 77701

Q. What do I do if my transcripts are from a foreign country?
A. All foreign transcripts must have official U.S. translations showing degree and grade equivalency. Contact Foreign Credentials Service of America at 512.459.8428 about foreign transcript evaluations.

Q. Once I complete the application process and meet the academic requirements, am I automatically enrolled in the program?
A. Submitting an application begins the process of admission to the PLCP. Applications and transcripts will be reviewed for eligibility. Additional requirements include:

  • A face-to-face interview
  • Nelson Denny Reading Test
  • A review of all program application information
  • All candidate information is reviewed and selections are made based on program capacity and strength of the candidate in relation to other applicants.


Q. When are reference forms due?
A. All three reference forms are due as soon as possible or by the specified application deadline.

Q. What is the purpose of the criminal record release?
A. You’re signing and submitting the Criminal Record Release allows Region 5 ESC to run a criminal record search. Applicants who have a criminal record will be contacted individually by the ECP staff. Criminal records must be reported by the executive director to the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) as per Texas Education Code (TEC) 22.083 and Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 249.14. Region 5 ESC reserves the right to refuse entry to the program based on information reported by the Texas Department of Public Safety.


A person who is enrolled or planning to enroll in a State Board for Educator Certification-approved educator preparation program or planning to take a certification examination may request a preliminary criminal history evaluation letter regarding the person's potential ineligibility for certification due to a conviction or deferred adjudication for a felony or misdemeanor offense. TAC 227.103


Q. What offenses could result in potential ineligibility of an individual who is seeking certification?

A. Please refer to the current State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) rules prescribed in §249.16

Program Cost

Q. How much does the program cost?
A. The cost of the program is $4,500 with an additional application fee of $80 and a TEA technology fee of $35. The timeline for payment includes:

  • $650 due at orientation
  • The remaining $3,965 will be paid out over the following ten months, with $385 due on the 30th of each month, September through June

Q. What methods of payment can I use?
A. ECP accepts most major credit cards (Visa, Discover, Master Card, American Express).


Q. How long is the program?
A. The PLCP training begins in September and ends in June. Candidate practicum activities and testing may continue after June.

Q. Will the program require much of a time commitment?
A. The Principal Leadership Certification Program is an intense, high quality program. Candidates will be expected to attend all training sessions. The program is designed only for highly committed candidates who are able to excel in an intense, fast-paced instruction environment.

Q. Does Region 5 place interns with campus mentors?
A. After acceptance into the Region 5 ECP, each applicant is responsible for securing his/her own mentor.  A mandatory mentor/mentee training will be held after orientation.


Q. How do I create an account to apply online?
A. Click on the Apply Now! link.If you get the message “Open database Region 5 ECP with”, use the guest account and login. This will redirect you to the ECP account login where you will create a new account.Under the login in box, you will see New Applicant. Click on Create Account.

Q. What is the user ID?
A. The user ID can be any name you choose. There are no rules for user ID or password.

Q.What should I do if I have a complaint?
A.TEA Complaint Page



Ramona Johnson
Administrative Facilitator
(409) 951-1826


Cindy Moss
Educator Certification Program

(409) 951-1854